April Challenge: Project "Purge" {Bedroom Purge Part 1}

This month we are really getting our purge on!  So many of you have written to tell me how WONDERFUL and freeing it feels!  That makes my heart all ooey gooey with happiness!  Keep up the awesomeness everyone!  Living with less reaps both short and long term benefits!!

So far we tacked our Entry, Living Room and Kitchen!

Today marks the beginning of week 3: BEDROOMS!

We recently did a lot of purging when we temporarily relocated our Master Bedroom to our Guest Room.  We went from a nice sized walk-in closet down to sharing the top and bottom of a single closet!  You can read all about that craziness here.  Here is a glimpse at how a hubs and wife can share an itty bitty closet space:

Living with less clothing clutter has been a blessing in disguise!  And even as we begin our basement rebuilding process, I am excited for all the free closet space I will have!  I have so many bins of clothes to be sold at this springs thrift sale, and it couldn't feel better!

However, just because our bedroom is pretty simplified and purged, I will still be doing another sweep, because it's always great to analyze our belongings.  The fun thing about this week, is that unlike a living room or kitchen, most homes have multiple bedroom spaces!  That means, more purging!  That's right kids, go hide your belongings, cause mom's coming in and everything is at risk!  

Let's back up though.  Why is it important to purge and simplify in the bedroom?
  • Stats show we sleep better when there is less clutter in our bedrooms/lives.
  • Living with less clothing means it has to be washed more frequently and can't be left to pile up {and I know it can - how many of you out there get down to picking at clothes you don't love but wear because it's the only thing left in your closet?}.
  • Less clothing simplifies our choices when planning our attire.
  • Organized drawers in the kid's spaces allows them to contribute in putting away and picking out their attire!  {See how we organize our kid's dressers and get them to help here}

  • Kid's appreciate their belongings and are more apt to play with their toys when they are grouped by like items and easy to find.  It's sad when that $40 figurine only get's played with a couple times, because it's tucked in a pile, left in the car or has nothing in common with the other toys.
  • Teaching kiddos to live with less and respect an organized space at a young age is a great foundation to grow upon!

Today, I am challenging you to pop into your bedroom spaces and start plucking away at the purging process.

Some things to consider as you start your purge:
  •  Clothing:
    • When did you last wear it?
    • How do you feel when you wear it?
    • Do you have something similar/duplicates?
    • Does it fit?  Truly.
    • Is it a versatile piece?  A staple?  Some great resources on stretching your attire and mixing and matching essentials:
    • Empty all drawers and say goodbye to socks and undergarments with holes or that have become orphaned or stretched/ill-fitting.
    • For the kiddos, keep it simple and paired down so it's easy for them to pick out their clothes for the day.  And so it's also to help put things away {if everything is crammed in a drawer, they will pull it all out to find what they want.  Or just stuff it all back in when putting things away}
  • Linens:
    • Only two sets of sheet per bed are needed.  One to keep on the bed, one to switch out to while laundering the other set.  It's also recommended to invest in white sheets which you can easily sanitize and are versatile to work on any bed in the home for years to come.
  • Toys:  
    • Does the set/game/puzzle have all of the pieces?
    • What condition is the toy in?
    • How often does the toy get played with?
    • Are their duplicates?  
    • Let your kid's help you decide what stays and goes.  Teach them the benefits to purging and donating.  
    • Expanding your dwelling to accommodate growing stashes of toys costs oodles more than cutting the clutter! 
Best time to purge toys is right after a birthday party or holiday.  Before the new toys and belongings come in, some previous items must go to make room.

A tip that I have learned with toys that I wish I would have learned two kid's ago, is that for holidays when creating the kid's wish lists, think about expanding on the basics instead of having endless amounts of miscellaneous single toys.  For example, our kiddos heart train tracks {wooden and geo trax}, legos, transformers, lincoln logs and Little People sets.  Since those were their favs... the best trick was to continue to expand those specific sets and keep them stored together.  Storing toys in sets is much easier this way, and the toys tend to be played with more.

Also, if you children are becoming "bored" with their toys, talk to other families with children in similar age groups, they may be willing to do a toy swap, which will save both families money!

Ready? Set?  Go!!  Have fun!  I can't wait to see/hear how you do!

What am I forgetting?  I would love for you to leave a comment and share additional benefits to having a clutter bedroom space, or other suggestions on where clutter can be cut!  What did I miss?  Did anyone get started on this, this weekend and if so, what did you say goodbye too?  Any other good fashion websites to share?

I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are spending the next thirty days saying goodbye to thirty things!  Wanna Join in?  Take photos and blog about your awesomeness as you go!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our purging success stories at the end of the month!

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