However, first, I thought I would update you on the Living Room selling process I posted about last week!
As you may recall, I started by setting a goal of purging 30 items in 30 days. Soon after I got started and purged my shoes and my Living Room belongings, I realized I need to up the ante. I had already gone above my goal, therefore needed a larger goal!
Not only will I be doing this project to completely de-clutter and simplify my lifestyle {SUCH AN INCREDIBLE FEELING!}, I also decided that I would offer myself a reward to really drive home the motivation factor for me this month. Letting go isn't always easy for me either {although, I am able to let go of most items much easier than some}, therefore, the idea of a reward really helps me not look back... what's the reward?
I am going to attempt to sell most of my purges this month... so that I can invest in one or two of my major blog wish list items!
First, I have been oogling one of these Silhouette machines for quite some time:
Imagine the labels I could create with that amazing machine! My Etsy shop could totally ROCK and expand and become so much more inclusive! I am such a dreamer!
Secondly, I also have been pinching pennies for this little guy:
I think that a flip cam would be a great way to add additional content to this here blog. Things like a home tour and video organizing tutorials and more interaction with all of you fabulous friends.... Oh it could be grand! {Yes, I saw Cisco just announced that they decided to botch the flip cam! I was shocked, however, I am still looking into one or something similar}
Of course I know they would be great tools for expanding this blog and business, however, it takes time to tuck away a penny here and a penny there...
So I am selling my goods this month as I purge. And whatever doesn't get sold by the end of the month, heads off to be donated. No regrets. Because living with less is a good thing. Items that aren't being used are just taking up valuable storage space in our itty bitty casa, and cause headaches, clutter and visual distractions.
So, how did I do after my first week?
- I currently have an offer on the rug for $100 and am meeting the individual this weekend to make the trade.
- My Sims 2 games sold for $28.00
- My Project Life album sold for $15.01
- My Season 1 of the OC sold for $5.55
- I gave away a set of Pottery Barn Keys right here on my blog! :)
So after purging my Living Room items, I made a grand total of $148.56!! Not a bad start right?!
Two items didn't sell. My DVD cam which I listed on Craigslist and a pair of shoes I listed on eBay. I am going to try listing both in opposite locations one last time before I just decide to donate/recycle them. The shoes will go on Craigslist and the DVD cam will head to eBay. I will let you know what happens!
But back to the kitchen! I was a purging machine in there! I filled up our entire kitchen table with goodies that I am saying goodbye to this month! Wanna see?
Yeah, I really attacked my kitchen with a vengeance. I was actually torn on a couple of things... but I know if my heart that it's time to let go....
We haven't been using this dry erase calendar ever since I started placing my daily planner on the counter and created our household management binder and tossed up a chalkboard in the kitchen.
We also haven't been using some of our cookbooks. Some yes, some no... plus, with the power of the internet and every fabulous recipe online, I could probably even purge more!
The plates on top were part of a set of 6. I really liked one {it stayed}... one broke, and the other four have been sitting in my home accessories cabinet for a year. Goodbye.
The red bean pot/casserole dish has never been used. Not once. And we have had it for almost a year. I purchased it from a friend that was hosting a party. I felt obligated. This is an example where I need to be stronger saying no. Because now I am stuck with something I didn't really need. Oh boo. The tray, not so much my style anymore... either is the oven mitt , and I have a couple others so it's not needed either. And the batter bowl... never been used either...
The highchair... my four year old is slightly too big {giggle}.
I know everyone needs three coffee makers. Right? No?
My Tassimo was biting the dust. And the pods were a little more pricey than regular coffee, so I switched to a regular coffee machine. Tried it, hated it. Couldn't make a cup of coffee even close to the espresso concoction I brew with my Tassimo. So I found a great new Tassimo on eBay, and now I have two extras floating around the home. So silly. So unnecessary. The old Tassimo needs a little love and a replacement part... not sure what I will end up doing with it. It was my morning bff for almost two years...
The salad spinner. Great idea. Takes up a ton of space. Used once or twice. Kids think it's cool. Had for about two years.
Typically happy four year old boy, goes by the name of Parker. Is currently on roller skates {not shown}. Loves legos, making people laugh and snuggling. Couldn't part with this one.... some things just gotta stay.
Divided kid's plates... too small for any of the mouths I have been feeding.
Gift from my mom. I already had corn cob holders... no duplicate kitchen gadgets allowed!
Time for my water works. I used to think I had a phobia of the word, "Collect". And then I realized that I in fact do collect... mugs and kids. I have too many mugs and as much as I seem to love them in every shape, color and size... I don't need as many as I have. I always use the same couple that are my favorite, so those stay, the rest go.
And for the bitter sweet ending to this purging story. Canisters. I love me some canisters!
These baking canisters absolutely don't fit the way I live and have my kitchen organized. I tried to squeeze the clear ones in my spice cabinet. Drove me nuts. I tried to keep canisters on my counter. I really just don't have the space. And those Orla Kiely pear canisters... don't even get me going! Cutest canisters created! And over the last couple of years, they have gone to my sell pile, and then come back out, gone back in, come back out. Can I do it this time? YES! Do I still love them? YES! Do I have the space? No. Do they match my ending vision of my kitchen? No.
So there you have it! Such a weird mix and match of belongings... and the why's to their existence in the purge pile. There are some other random items making their way to the pile as well, such as an old utensil holder, a salad crisper, old mixing bowls... And wondering about gadgets? Those were purged back in this post when I organized our kitchen drawers. I am happy to report nothing has been missed and the drawers still look the same today, which is perfect proof that less is more and it can be done!
Now I have the fun task of listing and selling substantial items, and adding others straight to the donate pile... more on that soon!
Oh, and I did purge down a couple of food items from my cabinets, but it was minimal since we try to keep them pretty paired down and meal plan per our current inventory. But food items definitely count in the kitchen purging process! Other things that I didn't need to let go but to think about are pots and pans and baking supplies. We have the one in one out program that we stick to pretty hard core when it comes to cookware since we have a really small kitchen...
So how has the purging been going on your end? Anyone make any moola from their living room purges? What items have you been saying goodbye to in the kitchen so far? Who feels as WONDERFUL as I do, about this month's challenge?
I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are spending the next thirty days saying goodbye to thirty things {OR MORE!}! Wanna Join in? Take photos and blog about your awesomeness as you go! I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our purging success stories at the end of the month!
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