When you see Erin's spaces today, you will see exactly where I am going with this!
Yes, I said spaces. This girl really has it going on, we get to see oodles and oodles of incredible inspiration in one post! It's like Christmas came early this year! Because there was SO much incredible inspiration and ideas, I condensed it some, but I am linking to her posts which contain additional details on her projects, and you will be sucked in. Just sayin'...
Erin wrote to me to share one of her posts, however, after checking out her blog, I decided we couldn't just stop at one! So she is sharing in the form of a compilation guest post if you will!
Handing the blog over to my new bestie, Erin:
Hi everyone! I'm Erin from Sunny Side Up and just like Jen I have a MAJOR passion for organizing! I'm so excited to share some of the organizing projects I've completed that have made things run much smoother around my house.
I love to scrapbook and really needed a space where I could store all of my supplies and leave projects out to continually work on. I don't have my own office space in my current house, so I set up shop in a corner of my baby's nursery. Having things organized is crucial because I'm working with such a small space. Here is a peek at Kole's nursery/my scrapbook room and how I organize my scrapbook supplies.
Soon after I had my third and last baby I was in a typical "I have a newborn and am exhausted funk" so to cheer myself up I went on an organizing rampage! I spent a few days getting all of our educational workbooks, games, baby toys, and my girls' books and closets organized. I have loved having my girls' games and school stuff all together in one place. It has made it so much easier to find what we are looking for and to keep their rooms clean.
I had so many childhood keepsakes in random places all over my house and really wanted a place to save and store them all together. I cleaned out my living room hutch and now use it to organize special notes, cards, and childhood memorabilia. It feels great to know that if I ever needed to leave my house in an emergency it would be easy to quickly grab the things that are so important to me.
Last Fall I did a series of posts on my blog about various "house stations" I set up to help us get control of clutter. One of my favorite projects was coming up with a system to help us organize all of the paper coming into our house. I can't even tell you how much I've loved this filing system! It has made paper control so much easier and my house no longer has random stacks of paper in every corner! I also created a binder to hold all of my "running lists." {Soon after finding iHeart Organizing I took a minute to update my binder with several of Jen's fun printouts}
Another house station post included how I organized a few of my kitchen drawers to make things like homework and our morning routine flow a little smoother.
There you have it! A sample of the organizing that takes place at my house and on my blog. Nothing puts a smile on my face like doing a little organizing.
Thanks for having me Jen!
I am in awe! Let's chat about what's so inspiring here! The creative use of space in combining two rooms into one - SO SMART RIGHT? The great kid's artwork storage? Those kitchen drawers!? I could never pick one thing to heart about it, it's all incredible!
And a button for you:

So what's your favorite part of today's space? Who's organizing a drawer or cabinet as we speak? Who is officially a stalker of Erin's fun blog? {me me me!!} Leave a comment to give her a virtual high five and some love for all of her awesomeness! Endless Thanks to Erin for sharing her incredible spaces with all of us today!
Oh, and if you are Project Lifer... she posts about that too! No joke - incredible stuff!
Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition? Have an awesome organizing story to share? I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life. Please send your story and photos to iheartorganizing@gmail.com and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!! Photos should be high resolution and un-editted. Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better! Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice! Only love goes on at this blog! More Info HERE.
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