Here is a glimpse of how it looked the last time I threw out an update:
From a distance and in photos, not so awful. However, in person, the room is an extreme unfinished hodge podge and is uber itty bitty for two little guys.
The walls are completely needing a fresh coat of paint as they are looking extremely abused. The closet needs new bi-folds, since I painted the trim white and never replaced the original oak doors. The stripes on the one wall make zero sense in the space as is and I am dreaming of stripes that encompass the entire room {yes, I realize I am a crazy person, especially considering the walls are an awful orange peel texture}. The light fixture is still standard from when the home was originally built ten years ago. The carpet needs to go but that's for another year...
And those bunk beds... ridiculous. The kid's constantly battle between top and bottom so they are on a rotating schedule which drives us all insane. Plus, they are HUGE! Talk about space killers. Mega wooden overkill space killer. The room is far too small....
Of course, as we move along with finishing up their space, many of the items will stay, lamps, accessories, art, bedding, chairs, window treatments, etc... but it's absolutely time for a freshening!
So, I did what I always do when updating any space, I found loads of pretty inspiration thanks to my online bff, pinterest:
Stripes and maps. Love them both, and together, I swoon. The boys already have somewhat of an airplane theme, and I am not typically one for themes, so I am planning on keeping with the airplanes, but at a minimal level.
A while back I had put together a quickie Style Tile for the kiddos... and looking at it again today I don't think I would change much:
The plan is to sell the bunk beds and use two separate beds instead. We already have the two matching blue quilts. I would love to go with red headboards. I would like to bring up the white desk from our previous playroom and replace the light fixture. The stripes, love love love. We will just see how much I love them when I am trying to paint them at 2:00 a.m. And the map. I think a giant giant map framed out in red would be divine! We also need to come up with cute book storage, ledges of some sort I am sure! Or gutters or spice racks since I have heard those work well also! Oooh, and we are completely updating their closet space to be WAY more functional!
So, how far are we on this project? Not very... We cleaned up the bunk beds and got them ready to sell:
And hauled them out to the garage for easy pick up. Now the kid's room looks a little like this {keepin' it real yo!}:
See the original light fixure.... must find one that really shines {pun?}
And we adore the lamp and artwork, they will re-appear in the new space!
And how does Parker feel about the idea of a new bedroom?
He's pretty excited! So stay tuned, hopefully come Monday, we will have made progress! I told the hubs all I want for mother's day is a day of project completion, and the best part is the boys can totally dig in and help and we can all do it together!
I have this light fixture picked out in the Style Tile above, but I am not sure I LOVE it. Anyone else have ideas for me based off of the direction the room is going?
For all of you mom's out there, I am wishing you the most magical mother's day ever. You all deserve it! What fun plans do you have to celebrate the special day? Any annual traditions to look forward too? {We always head to a huge farm for our annual flower and landscaping shopping with my mom, fingers crossed the weather doesn't rain on our tradition!}
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