The Rest of the Porch

I cannot even begin to thank you all properly for all of yours prayers for little Miss Lorelei! Friday was one of the longest days of my life and as I was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital and reading comment after comment from you all on my phone it brought me to tears and it was such a comfort knowing that not only was our whole family praying for her that day but so many people we have never even met before were as well. She did wonderfully and although we did have to spend the night on Friday she was able to be discharged on Saturday and we got home in time to attend the beautiful wedding of our friends, Ben and Lisa! Now we just have to wait one to two weeks for the pathology report to come back but her surgeon said she felt confident that the tissue she removed was benign. I will let you all know once we hear something. Thank you all from the very bottom of my heart!  There are no words to express how grateful I am!

Now onto some decorating! Here is the other side of the porch. Because this was a slow process that I started almost a month ago it looks pretty "springy". I think in a couple more weeks I will remove all of the eggs and add a few more pops of color out there to help it look a little more "summery". When I do I will post some more photos. For now, though, here is what the other side of our porch looks like:

* Although I prefer vases filled with fresh flowers or branches with blossoms - like dogwoods, or cherry blossoms - vases filled with tree branches work too - and they are free!  I didn't have time to head to Trader Joe's to pick up some fresh flowers like I had planned before I photographed the porch so I just went out to the woods and cut some branches down.

I recovered the cushions and pillows a few weeks ago.

I love these little cups and saucers from Burdick's 
(a gift from my sister and brother-in-law quite a few years ago)!

This moss letter was even easier than the other ones I showed you a while back
I have a tutorial for this that I will post later this week.

And if you haven't seen photos of the other side of the porch with the daybed and table you can click here.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and again thank you, thank you, thank you!
Linking up to: Savvy Southern Style!

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